Real estate investment in California is by no means easy. If you’re not careful, you could end up with a financial boondoggle that costs you much more than you invested. As with every kind of investment, the key to succeeding is knowledge and the proper amount of...
Be Represented by a Law Firm That is Well-Established in Eminent Domain Cases
Month: February 2023
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California fencing laws
Building a fence on a property line can cause unique problems with your neighbor. Fortunately, you can avoid potential disputes or take cautionary steps to be sure you remain compliant by understanding and following the basic fencing laws in California. Fence height...
Where do easements and eminent domain intersect?
You might have heard the term eminent domain before and wondered what it means. It refers to the government's power to take private property for public use. This power applies to building roads, schools and public utilities in California. Government limitations...