When individuals and businesses purchase property in California, they might automatically think they have the right to use it as they see fit. That includes building, expanding and making substantive changes. However, that is not as easy as it sounds. Zoning laws...
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Month: May 2023
AB 1476 may streamline eminent domain corruption
California governor Jerry Brown struck a decisive blow against crony capitalism in 2011. He did this by removing the official redevelopment agencies in the state. This helped to forestall predatory property development for over a decade. However, with the rise of a...
The facts about zoning variances
California municipalities enact zoning laws to maintain property values and to designate specific land areas for parks, commercial, industrial and residential uses. Requests for a zoning exception require the property owner, or potential owner, to submit an...
Inverse condemnation damages
You can see inverse condemnation as the flip side of eminent domain. As outlined in California statutes, inverse condemnation can occur anytime the value of a property is diminished by the government or a utility company. The loss of property can be permanent or...
Calculation of fair market value in eminent domain
Governments and public-serving entities in California have the capacity to force the sale of real estate so that it can be used for a public use. This is known as an eminent domain action. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution authorizes government agencies to...