Small business owners invest time, money and passion into their stores. It’s not just a business; it’s your livelihood and a part of the community. But what happens if the government decides it needs your property for a public project? This scenario, known as eminent...
Be Represented by a Law Firm That is Well-Established in Eminent Domain Cases
Month: September 2024
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Why projects for public benefit may lead to inverse condemnation
Civil court proceedings related to real estate are common in eminent domain scenarios. When local or state authorities plan large projects for the public benefit, their actions may affect the rights of individual property owners nearby. Property owners may receive...
Can private companies take your property using eminent domain?
Eminent domain is a legal power that allows federal, state and local governments to “take” privately owned property if it will benefit the public. Examples of this include taking properties to widen roads or build highways. Although eminent domain is a right exercised...