Be Represented by a Law Firm That is Well-Established in Eminent Domain Cases

Lease Revaluation Lawyers In Irvine, California

Many commercial leases, long-term ground leases and even some residential leases require a rental adjustment based on a valuation process.  Engaging the services of an attorney that is knowledgeable about lease valuation issues can help property owners get the best terms for a long-term lease or those leasing property to hold on to their rights. The lawyers at Palmieri, Hennessey & Leifer, LLP, are experienced with lease revaluations, including litigating the terms of an existing lease.

Lease Valuation And Negotiation

As part of the eminent domain process, the attorneys at Palmieri, Hennessey & Leifer, LLP, are very familiar with the valuation process and valuation principles.  This same expertise is highly valuable in cases of lease renewals and rental adjustments.

Reach Out To Us Today

Palmieri, Hennessey & Leifer, has a 30-year history of working on cases of eminent domain and lease valuation, with more than 2,000 cases litigated. We can help you avoid the most common problems that occur during the lease valuation process.

To talk to a lawyer at Palmieri, Hennessey & Leifer, LLP, about your lease valuation issues, please schedule an initial consultation by calling 949-652-2622 or by using our online contact form.