Be Represented by a Law Firm That is Well-Established in Eminent Domain Cases

McKinley Grade Separation Project In The City Of Corona

In 2021, the city of Corona is expected to begin construction on the McKinley Grade Separation Project. It is a massive improvement project in excess of $90 million where the city of Corona will raise McKinley Street over Sampson Avenue and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway to reduce traffic congestion at this location when the railroad gates are down. Project features of the McKinley Grade Separation Project in the city of Corona include the construction of a suspension bridge over Sampson Avenue and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, drop-down connector roads to Sampson Avenue through the existing shopping centers located north of Sampson Avenue, and the widening and realignment of McKinley Street.

Is Your Local Business Threatened By Eminent Domain?

The city of Corona is currently in the right-of-way acquisition phase and will be or has already contacted nearby property and business owners to commence negotiations. The McKinley Grade Separation Project in the city of Corona will significantly impact nearby properties and businesses, causing some businesses to move or shut down entirely. Several business owners have appeared in person at city council meetings to voice concerns over how the project will affect them individually – both during and after construction. They have expressed a justifiable fear of losing their businesses in order to make room for the grade separation. Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and put it to public use. In addition to the “public use” requirement, the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution stipulates that taking must be accompanied by “just compensation.” Someone whose property or business is being taken through eminent domain must, in other words, be given a fair amount of financial compensation. Determining what is “just compensation” is done on a case-by-case basis and often involves a considerable amount of negotiation between the government and the affected property and/or business owner.

How Palmieri, Hennessey & Leifer, LLP, Can Help

If you own property and/or operate a business close to the site of the McKinley Grade Separation Project that is slated to begin next year, then it’s likely that your property and/or business interests will be adversely affected by construction activities. You could, in fact, be forced to move or close your business entirely if the land on which it sits is subjected to eminent domain. In either case, you will strongly want to consider having your situation evaluated by a California eminent domain lawyer at Palmieri, Hennessey & Leifer, LLP. Our law firm – located in nearby Irvine – has handled thousands of eminent domain cases and boasts an impressive track record of achieving excellent results for our property and business owner clients. You can be confident that you will receive some of the best legal representation on local eminent domain matters. Call Palmieri, Hennessey & Leifer at 949-652-2622 today if you think the McKinley Grade Separation Project in the city of Corona is going to affect your nearby property or business. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve.